What's better than a bouquet of roses? Roses without the thorns!
Roses may be beautiful, but they have a wonderful defense mechanism known as sharp thorns which prevent us pesky humans from easily picking them up and putting them on display.
Thankfully, there is Flower Thorn Stripper where it is a simple tool to make quick work of removing thorns and leaves without tearing the stems.Flower Thorn Stripperwill not rust and its spring-loaded design makes it easy and quick to use while keeps your hands safe from accidental pricks.
It effectively removes the thorns on the stem!
Spring action handle closes as tightly as needed to adjust opening as you progress along the length of the stem.
Won't damage the stem as with ordinary fixed strippers.
Unique design accepts two at once, to clean dozen of roses in minutes.
This garden cultivator is a light-duty tool for a secure grip when using.
Great for producing floral arrangements. The perfect companion for florists and hobbyists
Made of high-quality material, which is strong and durable. Not easy to rust and wear.